Friday, December 31, 2021

A Road map to a better 2022…


A Road map to a better 2022…

2019 was challenging. 2020 was horrific. 2021 was dazzling.

Can we still try?


The World has been changing very fast. Our life is not the same. Our habits changed. Many of us had to relocate, to change jobs to lose some friends and some money too.


The pandemic (Covid_19) and all its repercussions on our lives has left us with very few options on how to deal with life.

We’ve been disconnected from real life as we knew it for quite a time now.

I have tried over the past 3 years to write about things we should do, I called them “roadmaps” for a better year.

I find myself today stuck in this vicious circle. Should I keep writing and make promises or should I just go with the flow and wait for another boring year….

 I decided to keep the tradition alive and here is a new roadmap for 2022.

Are you ready?


1- Love more:

 Yes I know, I told you before that love is necessary in life, but I’ve experienced many kinds of it during the past 365 days. The act of love is not competed without passion. Add to the equation passion and everything you do will be different.

If you love a friend, share with him/her an adventure you like. A meal, a road trip a visit to a touristic site, or maybe listen to music and sing together. Do something that you love with someone you love you will end up happy and feeling satisfied. 


2- Invest in people not money:

Many of us, due to the pandemic and its impact on economy, worldwide, lost money and investments. This money can be recuperated, but losing a person is not recuperable.

I invite you during the coming year to invest more in people rather in money. How? Well think of those who were there when you were at your weakest not at the top of your career. Think of those who ask nothing from you, who just want your company… these people are the real investment you should take.


3- Pray more, be thankful:

No matter what faith you practice, I repeat this, be thankful to the One who created you. Reading these lines should be a sign for you to know that life is so beautiful and still you are able to breathe and witness another sunrise and sunset.

Be thankful to our Lord, who despite everything, made us survive these horrific past 2 years.

Sometimes praying is not just repeating words we learned at school, it is reflected in our actions. Our prayers can be our actions. Help someone in need and make them smile. Give someone to eat, make them feel the warmth of giving. This is how you can pray and this how you can be thankful to life.


4- Never Lose Hope:

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – Tom Bodett.

No matter how dark the coming days may be, never lose hope. If you have someone to love, something to do, then there is nothing that can stand in your way to always be hopeful.

Let’s keep hope alive in us and let’s say that 2022 will witness new beginnings and maybe the end of the problems that started in 2020 and wish for a better future that we can make by starting to believe in it.


5- Family first:

No matter how busy you might get, never ever forget where you came from. Your family is your root. Your family is the strong foundation for any project you might end up doing or any work you want to achieve.

Focus on making all your family members happy and try to spend time with them. Dedicate one day of the week for your family members and you will see that this day will give you enough energy to navigate through the tough times and challenges of work and life.


6- Stay away from toxic people:

Yes! Unfortunately nothing and no one is perfect! There are people who are negative by nature. We call them “toxic people”. You know them, you can at least name one or two as you are reading these lines. YES take an oath to stay away from them or at least to turn your deaf ear to them during this year. Do not get sensitive when they talk to you. They might be with you at work or someone from your friends or even a partner…. If you cannot change them, walk away from them. Trust me, sometimes you need to let go in order to gain. Letting go toxic people is a great reward.


7- Travel when u can:

I know that traveling might cost extra money, but keep that in mind: every country you visit, every new place, creates a new memory for you and widens up your imagination and creativity. Try to plan for 1 trip at least with all the restrictions and trying travel plans… you can still make it. And when you do, keep your phone away from you. Get connected with the people around you and discover new adventure.

Work can wait for 24 hours at least.


8- Meditate:

I am not a fan of YOGA. But I am inviting you to take time to think of your life, no matter how old are you, think of your plans and goals and ask yourself: I’m I at the right place? Is this what I want to be doing for the next 365 days or maybe more? If no was the answer, then think of what can be done to change that destiny you created yourself. If yes was the answer, take a pen and paper and write the goals you need to achieve within that plan to become a happier person in 1 year from now. Oh! You can still do this exercise while listening to your favorite music.

9- Keep a healthy lifestyle:

No matter how wealthy you were, there is one thing you cannot buy: Your Health.

Take a moment every day to do something healthy. Walk for 30 minutes. Exercise. Eat less fatty products and try to create a variety in your diet and eating habits. Drink less alcohol and more water. Spend less time watching Netflix and discover more nature around you.


10- Stay In touch!

Don’t neglect people who care about you. Who text you, who call you and who keep telling you that they want to see you and be with you. You never know the value of these people until you lose them in a way or another.

Try to stay in touch and try to be an added value to someone’s life.

Finally, I leave you in peace as I remind you of the previous plans, if you don’t like this roadmap, you can always try other ones with pleasure.


Your Roadmap to a better year 2019 !

Your Roadmap to a better 2020 !

Roadmap for a better 2021


Happy New Year!




Sunday, October 31, 2021

قاعدة ال 99


سأل الملك الوزير:
لماذا أجد أن خادمي سعيداً أكثر مني في حياته ؟
وهو لا يملك شيئا
وأنا الملك لدي كل شيء ومتكدر المزاج ؟
فقال له الوزير :
جرِّب معه  قاعدة ال 99
فقال الملك وماهي
قاعدة ال 99 ؟

قال الوزير : 
ضع 99 دينارًا في صرة عند بابه في الليل واكتب على الصرة 100 دينار هدية لك !!
واطرق بابه  وانظر ماذا سيحدث : 

فعل الملك ما قاله له الوزير فأخذ الخادم الصرة فلما عدها قال :( لا بد أن الدينار الباقي وقع في الخارج )
فخرج هو وأهل بيته كلهم يفتشون ،
وذهب الليل كله وهم يفتشون...
فغضب الأب لأنهم لم يجدوا هذا الدينار الناقص فثار عليهم بسبب الدينار الناقص بعد أن كان هادئًا !!

وأصبح فى اليوم الثاني الخادم متكدّر الخاطر
لأنه لم ينم الليل
فذهب إلى الملك عابس الوجه متكدر المزاج غير مبتسم ناقم على حال
فعلم الملك ما معنى الـ 99 .....
وهي أننا ننسى
( 99 نعمة )
وهبنا الله إياها ونقضي حياتنا كلها نبحث عن نعمة مفقودة !
نبحث عن مالم يقدره الله لنا ،
ومنعه عنا لحكمة لا نعلمها ،
ونكدر أنفسنا وننسى ما نحن فيه من نِعم .....
استمتعوا بالتسعة والتسعين نعمة
واسألوا الله من فضله
واشكروه على نعمه التي لاتحصى

Saturday, June 12, 2021

كي يبقى لنا بصيص كرامة في وطن سحق كل آمالنا وأحلامنا ومستقبلنا


كي يبقى لنا بصيص كرامة في وطن سحق كل آمالنا وأحلامنا ومستقبلنا


لم يعد في هذه الطبقة السياسية ما يدعو للأمل. هناك خلل كبير يعتري أهل السلطة. هذا الخلل البنوي هو في كيفية نظرتهم للحلّ السياسي في البلد من منظارٍ مصلحي شخصي وليس على مستوى الوطن.

والخلل أيضاً في فهم طبيعة العمل السياسي. فالسياسة في المفهوم العلمي والعملي هي فنّ الممكن. هي وسيلة لا غاية بحدّ ذاتها. وفي لبنان رأينا للأسف أبشع ممارسات السياسة على الإطلاق.

من أتى الى الحكم طوال المرحلة الماضية وبعد اتفاق الطائف ونهاية الحرب، لم يأتِ ليخدُم ... بل لكي يُخدَم ! ولكي يبرم الصفقات والاتفاقات التي تدر عليه وعلى حاشيته بأرباح جمّة.

تحوّل النظام اللبناني الى نظام محاصصتي مُحيت فيه معالم الدولة اللبنانية وحلّ مكانها سياسات زبائنية وتوظيفات عشوائية أوصلت القطاع العام الى أكبر عدد من التوظيفات في تاريخ لبنان.

فأي بلد في العالم يبلغ قطاعه العام الحجم الذي وصلنا اليه في لبنان؟ أكثر من 400 ألف موظّف تدفع لهم الدولة رواتب ما يغرقها في العجز تباعاً ويرفع من نسبة التضخم المالي في أزمتنا الحالية. 


صراع مزمن على السلطة يترجم بأسوأ الصوَر. إنها شراهة أهل الحكم على المناصب والتعيينات والمراكز أحياناً تحت غطاء شعارات كبيرة كتحصيل الحقوق أحياناً وإعادة التوازن الى النظام اللبناني أحياناً أخرى. متناسين أن السبب في كبوتنا هذه هم نفس الأشخاص الذين أوصلونا الى الطائف بصراعاتهم الداخلية واليوم بسبب هذه الصراعات يمعنون بإضاعة الوقت تحت بدعة حقوق الطوائف وغيرها من الشعارات.

نختبر اليوم أسوأ أنواع الحكم. ضياع. تخبّط داخلي. سوء إدارة للأزمة. ضعف في التواصل وعدم قدرة على خلق ثقة مع الناس الذين آمنوا بهذا الحلم المنتظر الآتي على ظهر الوعود الوردية بمستقبل باهر. تحطّمت كل أحلام الشعب اللبناني وصارت مرهونة بتعبئة الوقود للسيارة وبإيجاد علبة حليب أطفال ودواء قادر على تسكين الألم الذي يعتري اكثر من نصف الشعب اللبناني.. فيما النصف الثاني غرق تحت خط الفقر المدقع وهو يعتاش على المساعدات من هنا وهناك وتحويلات مالية بالدولار تبقيه على قيد الحياة.

وصلت اللعبة الى النهاية . وجوه واسماء يجب ان تنتهي من المشهد السياسي ، لا بل يجب أن تُعاقب وتحاسب على ما ارتكبته بحقّ شعب بأسره.

والى أن يحين موعد الحساب ... ثمّة من يستغرب صفوف الذلّ ومشاهد الإنتظار القاتلة للبناني امام الأفران ومحطات البنزين والصيدليات في زمنٍ وصل فيه أخواننا العرب الى المرّيخ ونحن نعاني بالوصول إلى أعمالنا وأشغالنا لكي يبقى لنا بصيص كرامة في وطن سحق كل آمالنا وأحلامنا ومستقبلنا.


فيليب أبو زيد 

13 حزيران 2021

Roadmap for 2025: Building a Better Tomorrow Starts Today

As I step into 2025, I find myself reflecting on the lessons of the past year and the hopes for the year ahead. This tradition, born years...