Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 was a Mess? Here’s a roadmap for a better 2021

2020! What a year!

356 days ago, I wrote: Your Roadmap to a better 2020!


There’s no way on earth I would’ve imagined 2020 will turn out to be the way it was! By far, it is one of the most challenging yet toughest years to witness in my entire professional and personal life! 

No roadmap could ever work where every road seemed to be blocked by major world events let alone local problems and consequences of a pandemic.

#Covid_19 has changed the whole planet. Changed the way we think. The way we communicate. The way we greet, meet, eat, work and live.

But since life offered us a second chance to survive another year, here is another roadmap to a better 2021 based on what we saw and hoping next year will be much better and less chaotic.


1- Focus on your Health first:


“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” William Londen.


2020 proved like never before that health is the most important value in life. In 2021 let your number ONE priority be your health.

 Eat healthy, worry less. Exercise more. Make sure to stay active and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Drink less alcohol eat more vegetables and protein and watch your vitamins levels. Why? #Covid_19 is here to stay for at least the first 2 quarters of 2021 and until the vaccine reaches your countries you have to keep your body in shape to survive naturally the virus and other forms of illnesses.

God forbids, if you caught the virus, drink more water, tea, soup and consume more vitamins and minerals and hope you will not need a hospital.

But to avoid all this, stay safe and never take off your mask!


2- Family is worth sacrificing your time for!

We never know the value of people until we lose them. Nevertheless, family members are the ones we miss and love the most. Try to spend more time in 2021 with your family members. Call them, check on them, and do not nag if your parents still call you every morning to check on you. Even if you’re forty or fifty, receiving calls from our parents is a blessing. One day, when we disconnect forever with them, we will thrive for a 1 second conversation with them.

3- Tighten your friendships

It is said that “friends are the family we choose for ourselves”. While life offers you many chances, it also offers you few real friends. By now, you should know who were there when you needed them and who forgot about you when you disappeared during 2020 because of lockdown. There are those who forgot about you when you stopped hanging out with them and there are those who don’t call unless they need something from you… forget about them. Focus on friends who know your birthdate without having Facebook remind them about it.

Focus on friends who know that you are NOT okay from the way you answer the phone or send a voice note.

These friends are true asset! They love you for nothing in return. Invest in your relationship with them during 2021.


4- Forget about making more money

Unless your work doesn’t operate online nor is related to medical field and you don’t take orders to deliver during pandemic times, forget about growth in your field. Thus forget about bonuses and big numbers and deals. It is sad but it is true! The pandemic killed many businesses and made thousands yet millions around the globe jobless!

If you still have a job, it’s a blessing. Focus on survival and PLAN for the aftermath. There will be a BOOM in all fields after the pandemic. Think and plan how to book a place in the rising market and benefit from this time to create the perfect strategy for that.


5- Develop your skills: Learn something new!

Online courses are now more valuable and necessary than any time before. If you can register in courses online related to your field of expertise, do it NOW!

Do not hesitate to go back to university courses, books, reading and learning something new. Our brain is in constant need to learn and acquire new skills.

Let this year be a preparatory year for LIFE AFTER COVID_19. Learn about online marketing, digital, social media marketing and develop your own skills in these fields for no matter what your profession is, if you are not skilful enough in this rising world of Digital you will not be able to find yourself on the map of the future.

There are many courses online and for cheap prices, benefit now and commit to finishing them and talk about it. Share knowledge with people around you, it will make the world a better place!


Finally, I will leave you in peace for now, with this photo I've taken on the last day of 2020, I’ve shared my roadmap for a better 2021 hoping that it will bring nothing but peace to the world and good health to everyone we know and love.


Until next year! Stay Safe.





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